
Tbilisi Sandro Akhmeteli State Drama Theatre

The mission of the Akhmeteli Theatre is to develop the national theater art and popularize it in the society.

Sandro Akhmeteli Theatre 

From 2013 the Artistic Director of the theater is a young Georgian Director Irakli
Gogia, which is focused on creation co-productions and to heighten artistic level of
the theater. In the current repertoire of the theatre there are performances staged by
Polish, Estonian, Italian, Ukrainian and Brazilian directors. Also Akhmeteli Theatre
realizes many interesting projects on the local and International level.
At the moment Sandro Akhmeteli Drama Theatre is one of the most successful and
active theatres on the theatrical map of Tbilisi.

Sandro Akhmeteli Theatre


Tbilisi. Ak. Vasadze 14

phone number

577 14 19 75